
Digigirls-The Tale of the Conclusion part 3

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panahinuva's avatar

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The Beginning of the End?
Adamon's Plan!
Part 3
By Panahinuva

When the two groups rejoined, Yolei looked at Sora in shock.  "Sora?  They got you too?"  She asked.
Sora looked at her in confusion.  "Who are you?  Have we met?"
Yolei looked puzzled.  "Sora, I'm Yolei.  I'm part of the second generation of digidestined."
Sora looked even more puzzled.  "Second generation?  There are more?"
Yolei looked like she finally got something.  "You're Sora from the past."  She breathed.
Sora looked completely confused.  "'re from my future?"  She asked.
At this point Yoshi stepped in.  "We can worry about this temporal conundrum later."  She said.  "For now we have to figure out what Adamon is planning."
Zoe looked puzzled.  "Who's Adamon?"  She asked.
Yoshi and Yolei explained what they knew about the diabolical digimon.
Nene looked thoughtful.  "So, he's responsible for us all becoming digimon, but we don't know why he did it."  She said.  "And presumably he's here right now."
"That's correct, girls."  A smooth voice said from above them and they all turned in unison to see a figure in a black suit, with a scaly green jacket, holding a snake headed cane and wearing a snake-shaped mask with fangs sticking out of the bottom floating down towards them.  As he got closer they were able to see the machine gun strapped to the back of his jacket.  "You know I did it, but you have no idea why."  Adamon taunted.  "And here I am, within attack's reach.  But all of you know that if you destroy me, then you'll all be trapped as you are now, neither Digimon nor human, fitting into neither world, alone."  He sneered.
Sora glared up at him.  "What do you want from us?"  She demanded.  Rika's eyes had turned red, but she was keeping her rage under control.  Barely.
Adamon smirked, holding his arms out.  "Come and get me, girls.  Maybe I'll tell you if you can beat me."  He taunted.  
Yolei pushed up her glasses.  "You just said we can't destroy you or else we're trapped forever.  So how are we supposed to beat you?  How do we know this isn't a trap?"
Adamon shrugged smugly.  "I guess you can't."  THe demon digimon replied, setting down right in front of them before holding his arms out invitingly.  "Come get me, little girls."
Rika roared and morphed into her Rage Mode form, charging at Adamon with a roar of "UNLEASHED FURY!"
However, as soon as she approached the demon, he vanished, reappearing behind her.  "Taste the power of my Platina Salmón!  Hellblaze!"  He snarled, whipping the machine gun off of his back and spraying shots at Rika.  The fox demon roared with pain and whipped around, lashing out at him, but Adamon had already leaped away, chuckling.
However, he hadn't counted on Sora appearing behind him.  "Show Time!"  She yelled, her holoprojector glowing.  Multiple copies of herself appeared, surrounding Adamon.  He blazed away with his Platina Salmón, but for every copy he struck down, another took its place.  
Suddenly, he noticed Yoshi slamming her staff into the ground and vines coming up towards him.  He threw away the cane part of his cane sword and lashed out, roaring "Serpent's Fang!", sending a massive wave of dark cutting energy across, slicing the vines and Yoshi's staff.  Unfortunately, he had miscalculated.  There was a yell of "Sonic Love!" and "Paradise Dance!" and the demon was smashed off his feet by the two attacks, skidding to land in front of the green girl, who was smirking with satisfaction.  
"You ready to give up yet?"  Zoe called, drifting down to land behind him, along with Sora.
"You make a good team, I'll give you that."  Adamon said, standing up to brush himself off.  Off to the side, Yolei was healing Rika, who had reverted to her normal form.  Adamon glanced at his wrist before smirking.  "Unfortunately, you still haven't impressed me yet."  He said, raising his sword again.  "So I guess I'll have to get serious.  Fall of Eden!"  The last phrase was roared in a voice unlike his normal, suave tones.  It sounded like thunder from the abyss.  And then Adamon vanished.  
Swords seemed to strike out from everywhere, slamming into the digigirls and knocking them around.  They all attempted to fight back, Yolei having the best luck, using her own sword to parry Adamon's.  However, they were all being pushed back, until they were huddled together, frantically flailing to try to keep the ring of blades that had formed around them.  Things only got worse, however, when machine gun fire started to spray their group.  Yolei retaliated with Power of Love, but her shield was much weaker over the entire group and started to falter moments after she constructed it.  "Where did this come from?"  She demanded, sweat beading her brow as she held her shaking arms over her head.
"He must've been holding back!"  Zoe replied, deflecting an incoming flurry of blades with a well placed whirlwind.  
"And now he's unstoppable.  Great."  Rika replied sarcastically, whipping furiously with her Fox 'o Nine Tails to keep the blades back.  "Where is he?"
"I can find out."  Yoshi replied seriously.  "Just keep him off of me for a second!"  She added, holding her staff in both hands and concentrating.  The others frantically fought to keep Adamon's attacks away from Yoshi.  The plant girl's staff started to emit a thick veil of pollen, which spread outwards from the group.  
Rika sneezed.  "So what's this supposed to do exactly?"  She asked, a slightly snide tone to her voice.  
Yoshi grinned.  "It's already working."  She replied.  
Rika blinked.  "The attacks stopped."
Yoshi nodded.  "I tuned the pollen so it would only be a slight allergenic for females, but for males it would be nearly incapacitating."
Zoe laughed and offered the plant girl a high five, which was accepted delightedly.  The girls spread out through the fog of spores and, seconds later, there was a shout from Yolei.  "I found him!"  She yelled.  Adamon was lying on the ground, looking furious and looking like he was doing his best to hold in a sneeze.  
Sora grinned at him.  "I think this is a victory for us.  So, tell us what you were planning."  Adamon glared up at her and made a rasping noise.
Yoshi looked embarassed.  "Um...I think I may have temporarily paralyzed him.  Zoe, would you mind?"
"Not at all."  The rainbow haired girl replied, spinning rapidly around a rainbow pole to blast away the spore cloud before walking up to Adamon, and kneeling down.  
"Everyone, keep your...whatever, trained on him."  Sora instructed, pointing at Adamon.  The rest moved into combat prepared positions as Zoe sent a gust of wind through the demonic digimon, spores blasting out of him like a cartoon.
Adamon sighed, before glancing down at his wrist.  Now that they were close to him, they could see an odd looking pendant on a strap wrapped around his wrist.  It looked kind of like two circles colliding, but looking at the collision made your eyes hurt.  It was pulsing gently.  Adamon smiled.  "I'm actually glad you defeated me.  That allows me to make you an offer."
Rika stomped her foot.  "Just change us back, you creep!  I want to be me again!"
Adamon's smile widened.  "Do you really, Rika?  Do you want to be boring, normal you?  A powerless little girl, beholden to any adult who takes the time to pay attention to you?"  Rika's enraged expression faltered.  Adamon smirked.  "I thought so.  You see, this pendant is an item of unbelievable power.  It allows the wielder, when fully charged, to alter the two worlds as he pleases.  All it took to power it up was the humanity of six strong willed humans."
There were gasps of rage and amazement from the assembled digigirls.  "So why didn't you just change the world after you changed us?"  Zoe demanded.  
"It wasn't fully charged."  Adamon replied.  "I had to force you to give up just a little more humanity.  So I brought you here and forced you to fight like digimon.  And in doing so, you became more like digimon and less like humans.  And thus, my pendant finished charging when you defeated me."
"And what's this offer you mentioned?"  Yoshi asked.  Her eyes gleamed.  
Sora shot her a sharp look.  "Yoshi, don't.  He's a demon.  Anything he offers us will just benefit him."
Adamon smiled.  "So suspicious Sora.  Just hear me out.  I intended to just force you all to fight and finish charging my talisman.  But I suspected that wouldn't just be it.  You'd fight me.  You'd break free.  You'd join together.  You are all magnificent."  Rika shot him a sarcastic look.  "No, I mean it."  He replied.  "You are all beautiful, powerful digimon, worthy of being queens.  And that's what I'm offering you.  I'm going to remake our two worlds into a new Eden, one where Yggdrasil doesn't exist to throw me out and punish me."
Yoshi raised a hand.  "Wait, go back.  Yggdrasil?  What does he have to do with this?"
Adamon nodded.  "Ah yes, your group defeated the god of the digital world in your reality.  But in mine he never weakened enough to allow such a thing.  I was one of the first digimon he ever created and he made me strong, a shining example of the perfect digimon.  But I wanted more power.  More knowledge.  So he cast me out and made me a demon."  He glowered.  "And I want to make a perfect world, where no one is persecuted for doing what they want."
Sora frowned at him.  "Don't be ridiculous.  We all want to be..."  
Rika interrupted her.  "Sora.  Group huddle.  Now."  The girls clustered up and started to talk.  Adamon waited on tenderhooks, waiting to see how they would respond.
Alright, so part 3 seems to end on a bit of a cliffhanger does it not? That would be because it actually has two different endings. These are the two epilogues that I'll be uploading. I'll talk more about them on them.

If you want to critique, critique on part 1.
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BatterymanAAA's avatar
Boy, I sure am glad I never read this before coming up with Adamon's bio and attacks XD Or coloring his hands as having gloves, for that matter XD Whew, at least I was somewhat on base for some of it.